Venice, therefore God?
As I journey about the world and visit beautiful places — natural or man-made — I simply have to conclude that God exists. Why?
Because Venice is an amazing city that rises up out of water but it didn't get there by chance. No. The city is totally man-made, taking centuries to create, plus skilled men and women must regularly maintain it due to threats from the sea.
Knowing that Venice's creation and continued existence constantly relies on conscious and conscientious beings, then I must also rationally conclude that the Universe and Earth and all life-forms here require nothingness.
This is a totally logical conclusion.
Nothing comes from nothing.
Neither Venice, nor the World, happen by accident.
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Your mostly Lovely Journey
The world is beautiful with amazing places to visit, we have different foods galore and there are some nice people out there too!
But at some point, we all face trials on our trails. So how do we get through the suffering? Why does suffering even exist if the world seems to have such great potential for beauty and life?
After many years in Europe, Africa and North America, and eating good (and less good) meals, having my own trials and successes, a good life comes down to this: go through each day walking with God in His beautiful creation and enjoying it with Him. There is no one closer and He understands our pain as much, if not more, than we do.
There is no one else who truly wants to be closer to you.
And there is no one else who is available 24/7.

All Scripture is true and makes perfect sense!
Speaking of 24/7, there is one invaluable resource about the true Creator.
God's Word!
Holy Writ!
The Bible!
When I say Scripture, I mean the Hebrew Bible (Genesis to Deuteronomy, the Prophets and the Writings) as well as the Greek New Testament (the Four Gospels to the Revelation).
I have read each and every book and letter.
I have studied the majority of the book in the original languages.
And then I repeat it.
So now, after considering all of God's Word, and after reading other works — Shakespeare, Orwell, Kafka, Camus, Twain, Wittgenstein and their opinions and thoughts about life and the world — I can tell you that all are worth something, but Scripture offers the most.
I'm passionate about studying Scripture but also have the expertise and the experience!
And consider this your website for investigating and sharing your own insights.
Feel free to call or write me.
My focus is writing new blogs.
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And remember, if you carefully apply solid linguistic skills and some good-old common sense to our Bible reading, every passage and Biblical event will become more intelligible to you. I cannot guarantee total sense, but you will have less nonsense.

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